How Many Medical Calls Does the Howard County Fire Department Respond To Annually?

When it comes to responding to medical calls, the Howard County Fire Department is statutorily responsible for managing the county's affairs in the areas of fire extinguishing and prevention, fire training, fire investigation, rescue services, and emergency medical services. Firefighters receive an hourly wage set by the city for responding to calls. The department is also committed to embracing and celebrating diversity, which has been one of the reasons why residents of Howard County enjoy a high quality of life. Matt Steward and Tedd Shane are two firefighters who prepare to load emergency equipment into an ambulance at the Community Howard Regional Health Hospital ambulance garage. The fire department ambulances respond to calls for basic or non-life-threatening life support, which helps reduce the burden on the two hospitals that are largely responding to calls for advanced life support.

The Kokomo Fire Department works as a lifeguard and arrives at the scene of ALS with the closest of its six fire trucks or a rescue vehicle. The department answers many different calls a year in the fire district, from motorists traveling on the road to people who have rental properties. So, how many medical calls does the Howard County Fire Department respond to annually? As an expert in emergency medical services, I can tell you that the exact number of medical calls that are responded to by the department each year varies depending on the circumstances. However, it is estimated that the department responds to around 10,000 medical calls annually.

Constance Kaukola
Constance Kaukola

Evil social media guru. Professional tv expert. Extreme social media evangelist. Unapologetic twitter maven. Amateur creator. Music expert.